Sexual Misconduct Prevention Additional Resources

The following resources are meant to provide survivors, supportive friends and family, faculty, and staff with the necessary resources to support victims of sexual violence.

Supporting survivors

Find out how you can support survivors of sexual assault, and what to avoid, on 澳门特码开奖记录's education and support page.

Counseling and Health Services

The office of Counseling and Health Services seeks to enhance student learning by promoting physical health and emotional well-being.

Sexualities and Gender Diversity Initiatives

澳门特码开奖记录's campus-wide Sexualities and Gender Diversity Initiatives are focused on creating a dynamic campus community that affirms and supports sexual and gender diversity and promotes healthy and safe relationships. Learn more about our educational programming and events throughout the year.

Women's Resource Center

The Women's Resource Center is a women-empowered space open to all members of the 澳门特码开奖记录 community. We provide a safe place to hang out, learn about women's issues, volunteer, and find resources on and off campus. We offer educational programming throughout the year, so please visit our calendar to see our upcoming events.

Outside resources

Contact information